Facts At A Glance

Overview – (click here for PDF version of this page)

The FHLBank System was created by the Federal Home Loan Bank Act of 1932 as a government-sponsored enterprise to support mortgage lending and community investment. The System consists of 11 regional FHLBanks, the Office of Finance, and the Council of Federal Home Loan Banks.

Each FHLBank is a privately capitalized cooperative owned by its members. The FHLBanks are located in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati, Dallas, Des Moines, Indianapolis, New York, Pittsburgh, San Franciso, and Topeka. Their regional distribution enables each FHLBank to focus on the distinct needs of their individual communities.

The FHLBanks’ collective membership consists of roughly 6,500 financial institutions across the country, including large commercial banks, small community banks, credit unions, insurance companies, and community development financial institutions (CDFIs).

Financial Highlights – FHLBanks’ Combined Balance Sheet (unaudited)
As of June 30,2023
Total Assets $1.3 Trillion
Total Advances $826.9 Billion
Total Investment Securities $227.9 Billion
Total Capital $71.3 Billion
Combined Income for 3Q 2023 $1.7 Billion (3-month)

Click here for more financial highlights.

Affordable Housing Program

On an annual basis, each FHLBank must set aside at least 10 percent of its prior year’s income to fund its Affordable Housing Program (AHP). AHP funding is available through two distinct programs – an AHP competitive application program that is generally targeted for development of multifamily housing, and a set-aside program that is targeted toward individual borrowers or homeowners.

2022 AHP Competitive Fund Awards*

Rental Housing Projects Owner-Occupied Housing Projects Total Housing Projects
Total Number of Awarded Projects 223 98 321
Subsidy Awarded ($ in Millions) $152.2 $35.5 $187.7
Number of Housing Units 13,076 2,130 15,206
Average Subsidy per Unit $11,639 $16,685 $12,346
Number of Very Low-Income** Housing Units 9,122 1,078 10,200

* As of December 31, 2022
** Units at or below 50 percent AMI

2022 AHP Set-Aside Fund Awards*

Maximum Permissible Per Borrower Grant Amount Average Per Borrower Grant Amount Total Set-Aside Funding
$26,070 $7,686 $79.2 Million
Total Grants for Down Payments and Closing Costs** Total Grants for First-Time Homebuyers Total Grants for Home Rehabilitation
9,544 9,336 760

* As of December 31, 2022
** Most common use of Set-Aside funds

The FHLBanks provide liquidity and affordable housing grants to their members to support housing finance and community investment.