FHLBanks Privacy Policy



Your information is used to allow your attendance, use of the App, and to help us understand and improve your experience. We collect Personal Data when you voluntarily provide it, such as when you register, contact us, or use certain parts of the App.


1. Introduction

The Council of Federal Home Loan Banks (Council) is committed to safeguarding the privacy of your information disclosed through your use of our public website and App in connection with the Directors’ Conference. Our goal is to provide you with the information you need to learn about the event and participate effectively. To help us do that, we collect personal data when you register, contact us with inquiries, or use certain parts of the App. This privacy policy details our commitment to protect your information supplied through your use of that website, and the manner in which we will use that information. By using our public website and App, you consent to the collection and use of your information by us as set forth in this policy.

 2. Important Terms Used Throughout this  Privacy Policy

Throughout this privacy policy, we use several specialized terms.

  • “App” refers to the mobile event app, a virtual event platform and event management software.
  • “Personal data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable person.
  • “User Information” means all Personally Identifiable Information and any other forms of information supplied by you through the website, such as your email address or the Internet Protocol (IP) address of your computer.
3. Information We Collect and How We Use it

As a registrant in our Directors’ Conference, you provide us with personal data such as your name and contact details, email address and phone number, and your company and position. We collect this information as well as any survey responses and feedback you provide us. When you use our website and App we collect technical information that your browser sends whenever you visit a website or your mobile App sends when you are using it. This log data may include your Internet Protocol (IP) address, your browser type and settings, the date and time of your use of the Service, information about your browser configuration and plug-ins, device information (including device identifiers), language preferences and cookie data. We use cookies on our website to distinguish you from other users of our website and Service.

We collect and use your personal data because it is necessary for our legitimate interests, including identifying the participants at our Directors’ Conference, and managing access to the Conference and online services. If you ask for help with using the App, we may access your personal data to to understand the problem and find a solution. In order to make certain services available to you, we may need to share your personal data with some of our service providers. These include our registration and App provider.

We will not retain your personal data and user information for longer than necessary for the purposes set out in this notice.

Each FHLBank is operated independently and receives no taxpayer assistance.