Council Of Federal Home Loan Banks

The Council of Federal Home Loan Banks serves as the public voice of the FHLBank System.

Incorporated in 1998, the nonprofit trade association is based in Washington, D.C. and its primary function is to represent the positions and views of the Council’s members to Washington policymakers.

The Council consists of director and officer representatives of all 11 FHLBanks. Each FHLBank may name up to three individuals to sit on the Council’s Board of Representatives. These member representatives, with the support and assistance of the Council staff, meet and coordinate throughout the year on matters of mutual interests regarding legislative and regulatory issues and public affairs.

The council’s mission is spelled out in its articles of association. The objectives of the council are as follows:


  • To encourage and promote cooperation and consensus building among the FHLBanks so that their common legislative and regulatory interests may best be served.
  • To promote enactment of laws or regulations beneficial to, oppose laws or regulations detrimental to the FHLBanks, and obtain such research as is necessary for such promotion or opposition.
  • To enhance Washington opinion leaders’ – including members of Congress and their staffs, executive departments, regulators, and trade associations – and the financial media’s awareness and understanding of the FHLBanks.

Council Staff

Ryan Donovan

President and Chief Executive Officer

Tel: 202-955-0002 ext. 11


Jennifer C. Cowell

Executive Vice President, Government Relations

Tel: 202-955-0002 ext. 15

Keya Jackson

Vice President, Chief Operating Officer & Corporate Secretary

Tel: 202-955-0002 ext. 10

Peter Garuccio

Senior Vice President, Communications

Tel: 202-955-0002 ext. 14

John Comeau

Policy Economist

Tel:  202-955-0002 ext. 13

Maria Zimmerman

Executive Assistant to the CEO/Office Manager

Tel: 202-955-0002 ext. 12

Colleen Genetos

General Counsel

Tel: 202-955-0002 ext. 19